The age group a child falls into is determined by the age they will be on the 31st of August of the given year. Intermediate Seniors, Open Elite Seniors and all Ladies classes are determined by experience so please confirm with your class teacher before finalising your registration

Tiny Tots
For 2-4 year old girls who would like to start physie! This class runs subject to numbers, so please express your interest if you'd like your little girl to join us!

This class is for the young dance superstars! The age group a child falls into is determined by the age they will be on the 31st of August 2025.

Learning some really cool stuff in this age group! The age group a child falls into is determined by the age they will be on the 31st of August 2025.

The 13-15 years are now classified as "seniors". The work is a bit faster, more challenging and very entertaining to watch! There is also a 13-15 year novice category for individuals who have not made nationals before, making entering competitions a lot less intimidating!

16-Intermediate Seniors
16-intermediate seniors work is a step up in difficulty from the 13-15 years so they can show off all the skills they have learned up until this point on stage! Some routines are shared with the 13-15's and some are shared with the Open Elite Seniors.
Open Elite Seniors
Open elite seniors classes are for the individuals who are looking for a physical challenge. Think high kicks, explosive jumps and pirouettes for days! This class is suited for those who have come up from the intermediate seniors category, or those who have a background in dance. Our elite class are very social, so are always looking for new people to join the class and enjoy the challenge with them!

Ladies classes have an elegant syllabus that focuses on musicality, gentle flexibility and strength throughout range of motion. Classes are for women aged 19 up, APDA even has ladies in their 70s! For those interested in competing there are categories depending on ability to give everyone a fair chance. The categories include beginners, novices, intermediates, open ladies, and masters (50+).