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Fees Policy

By registering with Club 2000 Physie & Dance, you are agreeing to the following fees policy

  • I agree that all fees are to be paid in advance in 4 equal instalments before the beginning of each term.

  • I agree to pay the APDA registration fee before attending my third class.

  • I understand Club 2000 will issue an account to each member (or the eldest member of a family) at the beginning of each year detailing fees payable and dates for payments

  • I understand all lessons that are available must be paid for and there is no discount for missed classes*

  • I understand that if the fee amount is not paid by the due date and I have not organised a payment plan with the treasurer:

    • I will be unable to attend further classes until the account is paid.

    • I will be unable to compete in further APDA competitions and club competitions nor will I be able to attend the presentation day until the account is paid.

    • I understand that a 10% administration fee may be charged for late payments

*In the event that a member is unable to attend classes due to long term injury or extenuating circumstances outside of the members control, the club principal and treasurer may agree to apply a credit for the unused classes to the next fee instalment. This may be the full instalment amount or the instalment amount minus the value of any classes attended in that term. The method of credit calculation used will be the calculation that provides the lowest cost for the member. Classes are individually valued at $15 each or $175 per term only.




Codes of Conduct

By registering with Club 2000 Physie & Dance, you are also agreeing to abide by the relevant APDA and Club 2000 codes of conduct.

​The APDA codes of conduct are available for download though APDA's website,

At Club 2000, we are committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment for all members and families. To ensure a positive experience for all parties, it is important that members, parents, committee members and teachers understand and adhere to the Code of Conduct applicable.


Members Code of Conduct:

  • Demonstrate respect for other members teachers, committee members, and parents at all times.

  • Arrive to class on time or alert their teacher at the earliest opportunity if they know they will be running late.

  • Present themselves in a neat manner including any uniform requirements, have their hair pulled back from their face for class, and dispose of any chewing gum before entering class.

  • Switch mobile phones off, or switch them to silent mode, and leave them in your bag for the duration of your class.

  • Be cooperative in class by following all instructions from teachers and assistant teachers in class unless doing so makes the member feel unsafe.

  • Honour commitments made to their team mates by attending class and competitions.

  • Serve as a positive role model to younger members at all times.

  • Display high levels of sportsmanship, both in class and at competitions. Applaud (and congratulate where appropriate) all competitors regardless of the result achieved. Be a positive representative for the club.

  • Verbal or physical abuse of teachers, other members, parents or committee members will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

  • Bullying and harassment of any kind (including via social media) will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


Parent/Guardian/Spectator Code of Conduct:

  • Demonstrate respect for members teachers, committee members, and other parents at all times.

  • Respect instructions and lesson plans of teachers. Any concerns may be calmly and privately brought to the attention of the teacher or Principal after class. Decisions made by teachers, particularly in the case of teams, are to be respected. The Principal will not ask teachers to change their team arrangements unless the arrangement violates team rules set by APDA.

  • Remember that your child participates in physie for their own enjoyment, not your own. Focus on positivity and support your child's efforts regardless of competition outcomes.

  • Display high levels of sportsmanship, both in class and at competitions. Applaud (and congratulate where appropriate) all competitors regardless of the result achieved.

  • Do not make direct contact with APDA or associated businesses. All contact with these parties must be made through the Club Principal as per their own request.

  • Demonstrate individual responsibility when dealing with, or in the vicinity of students under 18 years of age.

  • Ensure siblings in waiting areas remain quiet and do not disrupt or enter the class that is running.

  • Take responsibility to read email updates, newsletters, and (if possible) social media to keep up to date with current and important information relating to Club 2000 Physie and Dance.

  • Verbal abuse of teachers, other members, parents or committee members will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

  • Breaching rules and failing to follow instructions from officials at competitions (hosted by Club 2000, APDA or otherwise) may lead to disciplinary action.

  • Bullying and harassment of any kind (including via social media) will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


Disciplinary Actions

  • Inappropriate, disrespectful or aggressive behaviour by members/parents/guardians/extended family/friends will not be tolerated. This behaviour may result in the cancellation of membership with Club 2000 Physie and Dance with no refunds.

  • At the Principal's discretion, breaches of the code of conduct may result in a written warning, immediate termination of enrolment, being banned from attending Club 2000 classes and events, or involvement of police where breaches are criminal in nature.

Club 2000 Contract for Activities

“Activities” means any use of the Facilities in any way whatsoever.

“Facility, Facilities” means all equipment used while participating in the Activities.

“I” means personally or by his/her parent or guardian.

“Club 2000” means Club 2000 Physie and Dance their officers, teachers, assistants and committee members.

1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Club 2000 disclaim all liability for any injury, loss or damage that you/your child may suffer while participating in the Activities including, but not limited to, personal injury and loss of or damage to your/your child’s personal property. I release Club 2000 from liability for, and indemnify them against, all claims and costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis), suffered or incurred by me or caused by my act or omission arising out of, or in connection with, my participation in the Activities including, but not limited to:

1.1 claims for personal injury sustained by me/my child while participating in the Activities;

1.2 claims for personal injury to, or death of, others (including claims for compensation by their estate, dependants, heirs and successors) as a result of my/my child’s act or omission while participating in the Activities;

1.3 claims for compensation my estate, dependants, heirs and successors may have in the event of my/my child’s death during the Activities;

1.4 loss or damage to, or theft of, any property owned by me/my child, or in my/my child’s possession, during the Activities;

1.5 loss or damage to the Facilities and any property of the owner and/or operator of the Facilities;

1.6 loss or damage to the property of other participants, observers and any other person while participating in the Activities;

1.7 loss or damage arising from my/my child’s failure to obey instructions from Club 2000 during the Activities;

1.8 loss or damage arising from any pre-existing medical or psychological condition; and

1.9 loss or damage arising from any negligent act or omission of Club 2000, during the Activities.​


2. I acknowledge that there may be dangers to my or my child’s personal safety while participating in the Activities and that the Activities may include:

2.1 Physical exertion.

2.2 The use of equipment which if used incorrectly, may fail to perform its designed purpose.

2.3 Excessive stretching.


3. I accept all the inherent risks of the proposed Activities.

3.1 I warrant that I have supplied to Club 2000, all relevant information regarding my health/my child’s health and any medical conditions that I/my child have to enable Club 2000 to involve me/my child in these Activities.

3.2 I give written permission for the instructor/s to seek medical assistance that they deem necessary in the event of an accident while I/my child is participating in the Activities, and I agree to pay all medical and other costs incurred in relation to that medical assistance.


4. In entering into this contract, I acknowledge that I have not relied on any oral, written or visual representations or statements by Club 2000 or any other inducement or coercion to participate in the Activities, and do so of my own free will.


5. Our Privacy Policy:

5.1 We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information you provide to advise about and assist with your activities. We do not trade, rent or sell your information.


6. Our Photographic Policy:

6.1 I give permission for any photographic material taken at competitions or club activities by officials or committee members to be used for advertising purposes or newsletters, even after I may no longer be a member with the club.


7. Fees Policy:

7.1 I agree that all fees are to be paid in advance in 4 equal instalments by the first day of each term.

7.2 I agree to pay the APDA registration fee before attending my third class. In 2022, this fee is $50 for Tiny Tots and $85 for all other members.

7.3 I understand Club 2000 will issue an account to each member (or the eldest member of a family) at the beginning of each year detailing fees payable and dates for payments

7.4 I understand all lessons that are available must be paid for and there is no discount for missed classes

7.5 I understand that if the term fee account is not paid by the due date and I have not organised a payment plan with the treasurer:

a) I will be unable to attend further classes until the account is paid.

b) I will be unable to compete in further APDA competitions and club competitions nor will I be able to attend the presentation day

c) I understand that a 10% administration fee may be charged for late payments


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